I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing. It has been a slow long sad week for muslims as we say salaam to ramadan and the eid mubaraks have come to a hault. Most of us are eating and drinking again. This is natural, in ramadan we were going against our nature to get close to allah. When our stomach would call us so that we could fill it, we didnt becasue allah forbade us. That is why allah has said that the only reward for fasting is jannah, subhannalah. Now we are in the month of Shawal and in this month fasting for 6 days is preferable, i have no started them yet but inshallah i plan on starting tommorw. I dont know the exact virtue of fasting the six days but i know that the prophet (saw) did it and we should as well. Just a reminder people we need to keep up the spirtuality that we picked up in ramadan. Sometimes i feel as if iam going back to my old state, and if we used ramadan in a positive manner then inshalah we can become better muslims throughtout the whole year.
As we all know that Salutul Isha is still fard on the muslims, i cant believe it, our masjd empty subhanallah the muslims have forgotten salah. A famous scholor said that one of the cures of the heart is being regular in salah. I know that people say that just because we dont pray in the masjid doesnt mean that we pray at all... but the prophet (saw) said that he wishes that he could burn down the houses of those men that hear the call to prayer and go home and pray. Plus it is fard on the men to pray in the masjid. I say this and try to do amal on this as best as i can so inshallah pray for me. The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive. salaam
1 comment:
I hope you take responsability for the words u have spoken know that u know thteres no turning back from this point.Have faith and it will be easy.
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