I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Today we as muslims lack somthing called shukar, or gratitude to allah (swt). Allah says in the holy quran "if you thank me then i will increase you in your blessings, and if you are ungrateful then for you is a painful torment." If we look at the first part of the verse allah tell us that he will increase our blessings if we thank him, subhanallah. The first blessing that we need to thank allah with is islam, we are muslim and on the straight path because allah has just given it to us without us asking or anything. If we dont follow what out lord has given us, then allah will take it from us. How do we thank allah for the greatest blessing. First we thank allah by simply saying it, then we thank allah by doing what he has told us to do, Allah says in the quran that "Take what the prophet is giving you and stay away from what he is telling you to stay away from." We need to follow allah and his messenger and that is essentially thanking allah for his blessings on us. In the end we want and need paradise because we cant stand the fire so lets do what we need to do and get to jannah brothers and sisters.
Inshallah iam planning to go to hajj this year, hajj is such a spirtual ibadah that it changes a persons life and there is nothing close to that experiance. I hope that you will pray for me that i do what i say in my humble blogs, and pray that allah increases me and knowledge and amal. Pray that allah accepts my hajj and everything that i do. Most important is that me as well as you keep our intentions for the sake of allah, because without sincerity we are wasting our time. Ikhlas is needed more then anything. Stay moderate yet consistent in worship. The heart needs to beat....and so we stay alive. salaam
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stop barking...
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