I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. We near hajj the season. Some people have waited there whole life to make this blessed journey, and others dont even think about it. Some people dream about making tawaf around the ka'bah and others cant stop circling the world. Some people anticpate this journey so much that even before they make it, there life begins to change, and they become pure in thought and deed. Other people dont make time to even pray salah. Some people will go on this journey and be the guest of allah and it will change there whole life, and other people will stay with the same neglectful life. Some people will return to their homes life a new born baby, and others will be still drowning in themselves. Some people will go to jannah because of this journey and others will go to hell. Brothers and sisters if you have the means to go to allah house then by all means do so, because life is not garunteed to anyone, young or old.
There were a group of young muslim brothers who were far from allah, and they used to party every weekend. They would drink and pick up women and take them to diffrent abandoned places and engage in intercourse and other haram activties. They would bring alcohal and food and women, so this one weekend they brought the alcohal and picked up the ladies but forgot the food. One of the guys said to his friend go and pick up some food for us. So, he drove off in his car to get somthing to eat. After one hour, two, three and then four hours the brother did not return. The other guy become worried and knew in his heart that somthing had gone wrong, and so he drove after him. In the distance he saw a flame and as he got near to he saw his friends car turned upside down and on fire. He ran to the car not thinking of himself and pulled out his friend, he noticed that he was burned severly from the waist down. He told him "Its gonna be okay" and his friend who was alive said to him "This is it for me, what iam i going to say to allah." He looked at him and then took him to his car and franticlly started to drive to find a hospital. All the while saying "Its going to be okay" his friend kept saying to him "This is it for me, what iam i going to say to allah, what iam i going to say to allah." Soon after he started to breath hard and fast and screamed OH ALLAH!! and the angel had taken his soul and the brother returned to allah. The brother who was driving said that all i could think about was when he would say "What iam i going to say to allah." That is the reality brothers and sisters, we have to ask ouselves when we have time "What are we going to say to allah, what iam i going to say to allah." Death is the ultimate reality and, and we live only to die. We need to fulfil our obligations to allah before he takes us, and lets make our meeting with allah the best meeting of our lives.
Hajj is somthing that gives us that fresh brand new start that we somtimes ask for, the young brothers and sisters who go to college have vacation in this time and should take advantage of this oppurtunity. Go to hajj and come back a changed person before death over takes us. The Prophet Muhamaad (saw) has said "Take advantage of 5 things, take advantage of youth before old age, time before we become tied up with obligations, wealth before poverty, health before sickness, and life before death overtakes us. The heart needs to beat....and so we stay alive. salaam
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