I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Salaam to everyone, alhumdulilah allah has given me the opportunity to perform the hajj. I ask you all to pray that allah accepts my humble efforts inshallah. Hajj is somthing that is so physicaly challenging, that its unbelievable. But it is the most beautiful thing that a muslim goes through in his life. It requires so much sabr, and one really has to be mindful of where they are, if one does not understand the magnitude of the sacredness of the haraam, then they will utter words that are displeasing to allah. Subhanallah, in a hadith of the Prophet (saw) he said that an accepted hajj has no other reward than paradise. The way one gets their hajj accepted is simple, allah says you can't be intimate with your spouses, you can't sin, and you can't fight. If one does these 3 things and adds ikhlas then jannah is their final abode inshallah.
The best part about the whole trip was spending time in the haraam. As I walked through King Abdul Aziz gate for the first time, i went down the stairs and slowly walked with all the poeple waiting to lay eyes on the kabah for the very first time. As i came closer and closer to it, i started to see the black cover through the pillars in the beatiful masjid. Then all of a sudden, there it was in front of me and i was in a state of awe, the sight was absolutly breathtaking . Then i went down the small stair case and in the courtyard where the kabah itself is, and began the tawwaf. Subhanallah it was beyond words. While doing tawwaf one can do anyform of worship, obviously accept for salah. You can recite quran, make dua, make zikr, or any form of ibadah, and the best part is walking around the kabah is worship itself, so while walking and making dua we are doing 2 types of ibadah at the same time. I hope that made sense. I took alot of pictures there, but as i said hajj is so physicaly straining that i need to catch up on sleep and things like that. Inshallah i will have the pictures up soon, and the 5 or 6 people who read this can check them out. The heart needs to beat.....and so we stay alive. salaam
Hajji Khan u did wut i couldnt do But inshallah I too will Knock at Creator door steps inshallah
SubhanAllah maan -beautiful.just beautiful
put up the pictures homee
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