I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Just coming out of my spring break, I spent it at my sisters house taking care of my four year old newphew, how exciting!! How many people wish they were me?? As we all heard that Pakistan is out of the world cup, that is the best news I have heard, most of my family is so nationlistic about Pakistan over cricket that its quite amusing. I like playing cricket more then watching it, you really have to be obsessed about it in order to sit and watch an eight hour match. So even though I couldnt care less about the world cup I told everyone how bad Pakistan was going to lose and that I have betrayed the country of my parents and now I side with India. The reactions I got should have been filmed and sent to Americas funniest home videos.
Anyway what has been on my mind that is of some importance is how to stay away from temptations. Temptations can vary from girls to biting your nails. Why is it that we are always surrounded by women who are so rich yet cant afford to cover themselves properly? That way guys are forced to look their way. Then the imfamous questions arises, "why dont you lower your gaze" let me answer it for all those people with that mentality. You cant walk around with your head in you shirt!! Promiscuously dressed women are everywhere, you cant lower your gaze from all of them. So what in the world are we (men) suppose to do? We cant get married because we have no money, our beloved sisters need to get married to rich handsome men, or it appears to be so. So the next imfamous question arises, "why dont u fast"? Again I will answer the question, fasting only diminishes the desire, as soon as you walk out of the house it starts to come at you like a speeding car or somthing. Fasting may work for a day or even two, but staying away from zina in our society has become nearly impossible. I know so many brothers who happen to be hufaaz commiting such henious deeds and actually showing off about it. So, again what do we do?? In the time of the Prophet (saw) they didnt have men and women showing off their bodies like today. Their was haya (modesty) even in the Kufar of that time. So, I humbly ask again, what do we do (by we i mean men and women)?????
The heart needs to beat....and so we stay alive.salaam
"I know so many brothers who happen to be hufaaz commiting such henious deeds and actually showing off about it."
If they are showing off about it, then they have another problem really.
Anyways, I think the first thing brothers should do is to stay away from certain environments where women are known to dress in such a manner. Secondly, lowering your gaze doesn't mean to always look down-- lowering one's gaze is in the heart, not eyes. Also, make more dhikr. Moreover, the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave other suggestions such as eating less meat. Lastly, talk to a scholar and see what advice he/she can offer.
to whoever wrote the last comment i truly appreciate ur words of wisdom...but u made a point about staying away from enviorments where women are dressed in a haraam manner....i wanted to ask...where can we find that enviorment..jazakallah khair
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