I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Salaam to all of my brothers and sisters. Much has happened in the month and a half, I started a new job in which i get paid every week with consistency, Alhumdulilah. Uhaul it is, too many rules but i get paid and thats all i care about. College is done and it was an odd semister, I am glad its over. The summer is in high gear and fitnah is in the air. Inshallah we will need to remedy that. I went to watch pirates yesterday and while the other 2 were excellent the third was such a horid disappointment. Even though one of the actress was gourgous, it still was a disappointment. You have to lower your gaze man. Anyway our masjid is complete and mashallah it looks beautiful, now what we need is people to pray in the masjid. I went almost all of last week and another brother so we have like 5 or 6 brothers coming regularly for maghrib and isha. I have been trying to make it for fajar but the i guess i need to try harder. I have been doing better with my quran schedule but i can do much better. Make dua for me people. The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive.salaam
Great to know your mosque is finished. May Allah make your comunity ever stronger Ameen!
why do you always sound so sad mr sufiinakufi?
Salaam brother what's up with u
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