
Eid Mubarak

I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. First of all i would like to say Eid Mubarak to all of my muslims brothers and sisters. To the non muslims eid is a muslim holiday that we celebrate after ramadan has ended. Subhanllah, when ramadan ends it feels as if we had a guest in our home and now the guest has left, and the home feels so empty. I mabye wrong but i feel that way...its quite depressing. I hope we all had a great time with our families and friends... since now eid is over we have to continue our gratitude that we picked up while fasting inshallah. Subhanallah it was amazing that 99% of muslims celebrated eid together...there were a few weridos that did it on tuesday...but hey whatever makes them feel good is ok. I think that somtimes we get too rigid in our beliefs when we really dont have to be. If someone has seen the moon and he is a normal person..then we as muslims should take his or her word for it and celebrate it.

Well the world series is going on and the cardinals are up 2 games to 1 i really want them to win... after the yanks got eliminated i hate the tigers. The giants have been doing some good things this season especially their win last night aganist the cowboys..they beat them pretty bad thats always good. Well lets keep up all the good we got from ramadan and continue with dua for ourselves and each other and the ummah in general. The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive. salaam

1 comment:

XVDM said...

salam br usman,
finally got to see ur blog..looks great...o and it really does feel like as if we had a guest in our home and now the guest has left, and the home feels so empty...i mean the other day i went to masjid after work for Asar payer, nobody was there, but during ramadan i went for asar prayer to the masjid, and the place had few brothers but not empty...we had iftar together and prayed together it was great...but after ramdan it feels empty seriosly...
may Allah(swt) bless all our muslim brothers and sisters...
u take care