

i hope that everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. I really wanted to mention somthing that i learned today... and it was so disturbing that my heart still is in shock. Dont worry ppl iam ok.... a friend of mine who is a hafiz, which means he has memorized the entire quran.. has taken a diffrent path. It is not the path of islam... infact its not any religion. This person has rejected allah (swt)... he has forgotten his creator... forgotten all the bounties on him and his family...and hes denied the undeniable existance of allah (swt). I lived with this person when i was enrolled in islamic school... and to see that a close person like that has drifted so far away....its scary. Thats why the title of this blog is dua...which means to supplicate to allah (swt) we need to beg allah to let us die not unless we die in a state of iman and islam. Subhanallah, so many people revert to islam and then some people who allah gave this blessing too without asking for it, totaly reject it... allah says in the quran...if you are thankful then allah will give you more and if you are ungratful then allah has a severe torment waiting for you. In this case that is what happened allah has sealed his heart... and he cant see properly anymore. May allah strengthin our iman and let us be practicing muslims until the day we die. Let our last words be La ilaha illah Muhamadur rasullah... there is no god but allah and Muhammad (saw) is his messenger. I hope we can see that the devil is always working 24 hours a day... and we are at war with him... and he swore to allah that he will not rest until every single son and daughter of Adam (as) is in the hell fire. Our weapons are the quran and the sunnah. We have examples in the prophet (saw) and his companions. I hope that u will keep me in your prayers and also this brother who has wandered off, Ya allah bring him back, he doesnt know what good for him, u know everything... pray that allah keeps our iman and makes it stronger everyday.... and we die not unless we die in the state of islam. The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive. salaam

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