I hope everyone is in the best of health and in an ever increasing state of iman. Alhumdulilah I have decided to start writing again, and thus the following. Ramadan is in about two weeks or less, so now its time to start fasting and to mentally prepare ourselves for the upcoming month of spiritual cleansing. Many people are holding halaqas and programs welcoming Ramadan, and its best to attend these events because it puts us in the Ramadan mode. We should set some goals that we want to achieve out of this Ramadan, so I will be the first to set my own and may Allah help me. The first one is, to fast not only from food but fast with my eyes, ears, tounge, hands, feet, and with my mind. Thats inshallah how I can get maximum benefit. I know that I waste time and I am aware that each second in this glorious month is precious, thus I will try to take advantage of my time. The last thing which I think we overlook is eating less. I tried this last year and I can tell you that eating less feels so awsome that you have to feel it to understand it. Also it is from the sunnah, and when iftar comes along we should tear everything in sight but continue to practice patience even then. The benifits are numerous, including that you will be able to pray taraweeh quite easily, you will more energy, and you will just feel overall good. Inshallah may Allah help me and all of us to become what we must to earn Allahs pleasure and jannah. The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive. salaam