I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Alhumdulilah my beautiful mother has returned from pakistan, as she went their for the nikah of my brother. In the past two weeks that she wasnt around, my house was just so empty and lonley. I told a very good friend of mine that their is nothing in this world that is more important then our parents. They take care of us when we are so helpless, they teach us the things that we need to learn, and they sacrifice so much for us, that it is beyond our imgination. Subhanllah, and then we speak to them like they are our slaves. Allah has "say not to them a word of disrespect and lower to them the wing of humility, and say, oh Allah have mercy on them as they did on me when i was a child." My mother and I are Mashallah very close, and your mother is really your best friend. She knows when your down, and upset, she knows when your happy and content, I ask myself, how?? The answer is a poem in arabic which i will relate to you in english.
There was a boy who met a man one day amd the man said to him "If you bring me the heart of your mother I will give you all the riches of this world". The boy was overjoyed and ran home, he grabbed a knife from his kitchen and stabbed his mother and ripped out her heart and began to ran to the man who had made him the promise. While running fear gripped him when he understood what he had done to his beloved mother. In his aniexty he tripped and fell, the heart then rolled out of his hand. Then the heart spoke out "Oh my son are you okay, are your hurt?" They boy again was overwhemled with what he had done, and out of rage decided to kill himself. But then the heart spoke again "Oh my son kill me not twice, kill me not twice."
That is the heart of our mothers and we can only understand the mother when she is no longer their. Lets thank Allah for what we have today and take advantage of every second with our mothers because soon Allah will call them back. And we will have nothing left except for the memories. They are our jannah, lets serve them and please them, for the sake of Allah. That is our succes, inshallah. Iam glad my mother is back home with us, because she is my best friend. I have the answer to my question that I asked above, if you havent already figured it out, it is love. They love us more then anything and everyting in this world. Mothers are our best friends. The heart needs to beat....and so we stay alive. salaam
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beautiful post.
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