I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Subhanallah its friday and the week is coming to a screeching hault. This week went by extremly slow, i guess because i didnt have to much work at college and worked 3 days excluding today. Anyway who cares, I saw a movie recently called Fearless with Jet Li. It is an awsome movie, the martial arts and all of that stuff was great,iam really fond of martial arts. Their was a line that he said in the movie that really jumped out at me and it was quite relevent to us muslims. He said, "Revenge only leads to more bloodshed". As I thought about it, it became more and more clear to me that he was absolutly right. If we look at the condition of the muslim ummah, we see that we are fighting amoung ourselves. Why?? Because we cant agree on a political matter so we start to kill each other. In Iraq the Shia Sunni thing, which is so out of hand thats it seems like its a civil war. If one group just says STOP and think and look at the others ideas or where they're coming from, we would be in a much better situation. It would also unite us, and we need as much unity as possible.
All we need to do is try to understand where the opposing person is coming from. For example we have so many sects in Islam, if two sects got together and respectfully related their views and the others tried to understand without judging them and telling them so bluntly "you will burn in jahanum" that would ease our basless tensions. We need a little sacrifice a little patience and a little unity, and it will go a long way for us, people. Think about it, if someone smacks you and you forgive him, it will bring you closer. They will feel bad and soon apoligize and if we are united in our communities then society will follow and then eventually the ummah. The heart needs to beat....and so we stay alive. salaam
1 comment:
yet another brilliant post. mashallah.
[ i got u linked at undercoverpearls.]
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