I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Mashallah many people are benifiting from Almaghrib institute, the recent class is about the names and atributes of Allah (swt), Subhanallah. I was not able to attend this extraordinary class due to family concerns, but anyway what I wanted to say was this: As i was driving back from work a few days I was planning on what to do when I got home and what I was going to do after whatever I had planned, my thoughts were so far from the remeberance of Allah that it surprised me later, Iam driving the speed limit and out of absolutly no where a deer comes running full speed into my car, out of impulse I swirved to the left and almost lost control of the car, but I was in the mercy of Allah. As I regained control and stopped to get out, it hit me "that could've been it" my qiyamah could have started right then and there! As i was swirving around I thought to myself about my last salah, my last deed, was it pleasing to Allah or not. Was I ready to meet Allah, was I ready to be worthy of jannah, was I even able to show my heart to Allah. Its amazing how close we are to death, when I pass by a cemetary, I see the only difference between us and them is the fence, we are just on the other side. My little incident with the deer opened my eyes again. But, the question is for how long will they stay open. Subhanallah, If you were to die in a matter of two days and u knew that in two days it was going to be it, what would u change about yourself.....(reflect on that), the scholors of old would say that we would not change a thing in their lives, Subhanallah. Absolotuly amazing. The heart needs to beat....and so we stay alive. salaam
May Allah protect you and grant you a long blessed life spent in His rememberence. May He grant us all the realisation that we too are going to go one day, a day which is fast approaching!
Well keep your eyes open it why dont ya,it all comes on, it depends on u how long u r to keep them open and when u want to turn a blind eye,the reason i go to your blog is for the pictures.I like that baby girl inshallah i will have daughter beatiful has her inshallah...............pffffttt me a father how crazy is that
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