I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of increasing iman. Subhanallah since snow is coming down outside the college has decided to give us another snow day, alhumdulilah. On a down note, I saw a movie called Road to Guantanamo, it was a huge shock for me, even though we know what our brothers and sisters are going through, we dont know its extremeity until we actually see it with our own eyes. The three British brothers, may Allah give them the highest levels of paradise, endured so much that we should thank Allah that we have such brothers in the Ummah in this day and age. When you all watch this movie, and I encourge everyone to see this movie, whether or your muslim or non muslim. The American goverment is full of lies and they really become are clear as day when you watch this film.
Watch this movie people and do somthing about it. Inform people, spread the word in your communties, make flyers and distirbute them on your college campuses, work,neighbors, etc. Lets remember all of our brothers and sisters in our duas, all the time, its the least we can do for them. May Allah bless them each and every second, may he ease their suffering and grant them istiqamah and the highest level of iman and jannahtul firdous. The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive.salaam
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