I hope everyone is in the best of health and in the state of ever increasing iman. Subhanllah we had a snow day this week, we were hit by almost a foot of snow on tuesday night and into wednesday, it was awsome. Didnt have to go to class or work, its been a long time since I have been as lazy as I was that day. I did have to blow away all the snow from the garage but that was fun. Playing in the snow is the best. Anyway I have been going through this feeling for a long time, its frustrating at times. Its my intentions. I ask myself, "who Iam I praying for", "who Iam I reciting quran for", and things like that. The more i ask myself the less I can tell what my own intentions are. How iam I to acheive iklas in my actions. Its not like I do what I do for people, I want it to be only for Allah, but i find myself wrestling with my intenitons and always worrying about the last good deed. We know the hadith that the Prophet(saw) said they have failed who gained knowledge, without doing amal, and they have failed who did amal but without sincere intentions, and the ones who do have sincere intentions are in trouble because intentions sway like the wind. I just powerphrased it but thats what he said. If iam not doing what iam doing for Allah's pleasure then iam wasting my time. I dont know what to do, i read and listen about the scholors in the past who spent the whole night in worhship and then they would cry to Allah, because of their intentions, they use to say "Ya Allah, forgive us if our intention faultered at any time" Subhanallah. The only thing i guess i can do is make dua and continue to wrestle with my niyaah and i know that Allah is just. If any one has suggestions, Iam here to listen. (Btw dont you just love that picture)
On a diffrent note, I came across this absolutley beautiful hadith
"Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a traveler/wayfarer.
"When evening comes, do not expect (to live till) morning, and when morning comes, do not expect (to live till) evening.
Take from your health (a preparation) for your illness, and from your life for your death." The heart needs to beat...and so we stay alive.salaam
Nice Article Khan but lose the pic theres nothing cool about a guy in spandex...................seriously
we see the same thing in 2 diffrent ways mate
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